Wednesday 11 June 2008

Hawkes Bay - Polo Competition and being tourists!

From Northland we popped into the house in Auckland and picked up our boats and carried on towards Napier. On the way we spent a night with Jason and Rose in Hamilton where we went for a paddle the next morning. We also spent a couple of nights in Taupo catching up with our friends there.

On Friday we drove over the mountains to get to Napier and Hastings, thankfully before it got pretty stormy. The second round of the B Grade Polo Comp was on in Hastings that weekend, so we had dinner while waiting for the rest of the clubs players to arrive. They didn’t have quite such a nice drive as we had with the weather closing in. The club had arranged to stay in the local school’s gym (Mel’s father is a teacher there), so we all set up our beds there, us using our mattress from the van!

Our first game wasn’t until the afternoon on Saturday so we had quite a relaxing morning getting breakfast and going to the pool in Flaxmere. My team had a win, a draw and a loss at the end of the day. That evening we had a barbeque at Mel’s parents’ house.

In the gym that night, at about 4.30am, there was a huge bang that woke us all up, complete with the ground moving. It was my first earthquake!!! I have to admit that I woke up with the bang, and promptly went back to sleep again, but the next day we were very excited! It was 4.5 on the richter scale and based about 30km out to sea. Oh, and we haven’t a clue what exactly the bang was...

On Sunday morning we were up early again for more games. With a series of 3 wins that day we finally came 7th of 15. The other B Grade team came 6th.

The next day we got out the Lonely Planet again and went touring around Hawkes Bay. We first went out to Te Mata Peak where we went for a walk around the mountain after driving to the top. Then we went to see Maraetotara Falls which was quite interesting as there is a dam just at the top of the falls. You can swim in the pool at the bottom too but we decided it wasn’t quite warm enough. From there we went to see Ocean Beach which I’d say would be lovely in the summer time as it’s pretty quiet there and there’s not much housing around compared to many of the country’s beaches.

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